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Essay on acceptance

Essay on acceptance

Published Sep 25, This USB drive contains essay on acceptance the top This I Believe audio broadcasts of the last ten years, plus some favorites from Edward R. The Narrative. Introduction Acceptance is an essential element in the lives of individuals. You Can Smoke Lavender?

Essay on Acceptance and Diversity Essay Example

Diversity and Acceptance in this Generation In this generation, everyone is about acceptance and diversity. It can affect the children of this generation when it comes to their preferences, referring to interracial dating, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, essay on acceptance, etc. They try to bring God into the equation. Diversity: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety; especially: the inclusion of different types of people as people of different races or cultures in a group or organization. We are all diverse. We come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. We should be able to essay on acceptance who loves us back at the essay on acceptance capacity, who cares the most about us, and who can do the most for us, with us being able to do all the same for them.

Whether it be essay on acceptance same sex, a different race, someone taller, essay on acceptance, someone fluffier, etc. With the population growing to such large masses, there is definitely going to be diversity. It should be greatly expected. By saying that, people can now assume that anyone who eats there has the same opinion. How one person can state their opinion towards such a strong war and it affects anyone and everyone who eats there. Have these people not heard of hate crimes? What if a person that preferred the same sex decided one day, that they want to shoot everyone in a local chik-fil-a just because they can assume that all those people are against gays?

I believe that anyone in this world should be able to walk down the street with their loved ones and not have to worry about getting treated differently than everyone else. For example, my boyfriend is mixed and I am white. We wanted to go on date, right? We were going to go on a picnic at a local park. I have never seen my mom more worried. What was she worried about, you may wonder? You may wonder, why would I put myself in that position, to be treated like that? You feel love, hate, essay on acceptance, anger, and sadness. To possess essay on acceptance ability to accept anyone for whatever they may be, I believe, is the most power any human being walking on this earth can possess, and with that, you have acceptance of diversity. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login.

Free essay samples Diversity Essay on Acceptance and Diversity. Essay on Acceptance and Diversity 12 December Hire verified writer. Essay on Acceptance and Diversity Essay Example. Related Essays. Cultural Diversity Essay Research Paper Cultural Diversity Offer and Acceptance Essay Sample Gays A Struggle For Acceptance Essay Research Defining Diversity: the Evolution of Diversity Diversity- Rutgers Essay Unity in Diversity Essay Sample The Challenge of Diversity Essay Sample Samsung Diversity Strategy Essay Sample The Ecological Self Essay Research Paper Diversity Inclusion Equal Opportunities And Diversity Education Essay Elements Of Successful Organizational Diversity….

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Whether it be the same sex, a different race, someone taller, someone fluffier, etc. With the population growing to such large masses, there is definitely going to be diversity. It should be greatly expected. By saying that, people can now assume that anyone who eats there has the same opinion. How one person can state their opinion towards such a strong war and it affects anyone and everyone who eats there. Have these people not heard of hate crimes? What if a person that preferred the same sex decided one day, that they want to shoot everyone in a local chik-fil-a just because they can assume that all those people are against gays?

I believe that anyone in this world should be able to walk down the street with their loved ones and not have to worry about getting treated differently than everyone else. For example, my boyfriend is mixed and I am white. We wanted to go on date, right? We were going to go on a picnic at a local park. I have never seen my mom more worried. What was she worried about, you may wonder? You may wonder, why would I put myself in that position, to be treated like that? You feel love, hate, anger, and sadness. To possess the ability to accept anyone for whatever they may be, I believe, is the most power any human being walking on this earth can possess, and with that, you have acceptance of diversity. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Since most of the motifs and themes in her works served as personal chronologies of her life, it is likely that individuals found it intriguing that she would share her experiences in her work.

As such, the experience became embodied in the people who appreciated her work and most likely influenced these people to look at their own lives and find something that they would be proud of and accept. The notions of subjective Transnationalism and transculturation evident in the works of Frida Kahlo suggest her influence on the immigrant Mexican women and the construction of the Chicanas concerning human agency, cultural identities, and social space. These three aspects suggest that her she centered her life, experience and expression on the human life. Her influence and view of transnational portrays that migration was part of the de-territorialization that might involve the actual movement of individuals, but transformed the manner in which group and individual entries were constructed.

As such, the global recognition of Frida and her works suggests the levels of interconnections and interaction between individuals, especially women in the societies and states Groenewold As the processes in the global world develop tendencies of disconnecting people from their homelands, cultural traditions and families, Frida shared an expression of values and norms of cultures across the world. Her value for the different cultures and abilities of people in different parts of the world make people appreciate her concern and appreciation for all people without discrimination.

As such, she influences people to develop acceptance towards people of all kinds without discrimination. Acceptance is manifested in all of her works. By influencing people to appreciate others while they were still alive, she also gave insights to individuals concerning the value of acceptance in life. From the essay, acceptance is significant because it enables mutual understanding among people regardless of their abilities or homelands. She is an example of how people, ideas, and memories could transcend the political and cultural borders, which supports the theme of acceptance without any barriers.

Her legacy left individuals with a framework for capturing and reflecting the complex political, social, economic and cultural phenomena in the lives of people Groenewold In the other essay, La Guerra, acceptance is also evident in various ways. First, Cherrie Moraga embraces and accepts her sexuality. Despite having difficulties at first, especially with the fact that she experienced a huge disparity between what she was born into and what she was to grow up and become, she finally lifted the lid into her sexuality. She acknowledges that after lifting that lid on her sexuality, there was an awakening of profound connection with her mother. This element suggests that acceptance in life opens many avenues in the life of an individual and enables one to live freely and accomplish what they wanted in their lives.

For instance, Cherrie says that her sexuality was the avenue through which she learned the most concerning oppression and silence. This aspect suggests that acceptance also promotes and builds confidence among people. She says that there is a danger of the failure to acknowledge oppression specificity. As such, acceptance gives one the insights concerning other subjects in life. The realization that she was what or who she wanted to be and not being defined by others made Cherrie turn to feminism. Her realization of that fact was an act of acceptance. She decided she would not allow other individuals to define her life because of prejudice against her sexuality or race. As such, she portrays acceptance of her strong will and position in the society, which according to the essay was a feminist, radical and politically conscious individual.

Acceptance is also evident in the discussion of Cherrie with her male friend. From the essay, Cherrie says that what grew from their realization was that for her friend to build an authentic alliance with her, he had to deal with the primal source of his sense of oppression. That is; he had to acknowledge, accept and come to terms with the feeling of being a victim Groenewold Despite being common, discrimination is wrong. It lowers the self-esteem of individuals in the society and destroys the society as well. That is, if individuals feel unaccepted and unappreciated in the society, they become less enthusiastic about the development of the society and can work to destroy the society.

Cases of discrimination in all forms is wrong and against the law. In conclusion, acceptance is a theme evident in the essays. It is important to accept situations, people and oneself in life because it builds courage and self-esteem. Moreover, acceptance enables individuals to find ways of handling challenging situations in life. For instance, in the case of Cherrie, she accepts the oppression in the society and decides to become radical and feminist in order to assist herself and others with the same issue. Groenewold, Melissa. Please remember that this paper is open-access and other students can use it too. If you need an original paper created exclusively for you, hire one of our brilliant writers!

Some topics are tougher than others. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. Please accept before continuing or read our cookie policy here. Hire Writer. Want a similar paper? We can write it! Order now. New WowEssays Premium Database! Find the biggest directory of over 1 million paper examples! English Introduction Acceptance is an essential element in the lives of individuals. The transnational and transcultural influence of Frida Kahlo on the identity formation of Chicana Such interpretations suggest that she acknowledged and influenced individuals to accept and appreciate themselves regardless of the barriers. Works Cited Groenewold, Melissa.

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