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Sexual harassment essay

Sexual harassment essay

Age is not a factor which provokes such incidents, as claimed by many. Arkansas State Police, F. A look at the sexual harassment essay reveals that all of these types of sexual harassment occur, that the sexual harassment occurring is significant and serious, and that the sexual harassment has its basis in the culture of the military, which has ingrained ideas about men, women, and sexuality. Firstly, sexual harassment essay, "the employer needs to show that they took reasonable care to prevent and correct any sexual harassment behavior within their workplace," and "the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities provided by the employer" "Sexual Harassment and Discrimination,"Employer-Employee. Students can be in college, […].

Gay Bullying Essay

One group in particular that suffers from this is the LGBT minority. It has been reported that LGBT students are twice as likely to be bullied than the non-LGBT students Kimmel In a survey done by the GLSEN, it was reported that of the 7, LGBT students surveyed, This shows that a large group LGBT youth suffer each day for who they are. School should be a safe place and this is not always the case and can further the fear of going to school. A lot of sexual violence comes from people who have been hurt in there passed. Hurt people hurt people, people who are usually enforcing the pain upon someone may have been through a traumatizing experience themselves.

There are males who always want sex but that is not a statement that is always true. A female sexual script that has been relevant in my life is that women should look like models. This particular sexual script is one that is not only being influenced by males but also by females. You hear and see this sexual script everywhere you go. I think sexual scripts for the most part negatively impact all of us. An alarming amount of women are victims of sexual harassment in the workplace - especially when they are the minority.

There are two types of sexual harassment within the workplace; Quid pro quo harassment and hostile environment sexual harassment. Quid pro quo harassment involves sexual threats or bribery linked to getting a job, keeping a job or receiving a promotion or training opportunity. Hostile environment sexual harassment includes sexual jokes, comments, and touching that may create a sexualized environment or one that degrades women Brym, sexual harassment essay, Though both genders are, unfortunately, part of this culture as victims and perpetrators. Statistically, women…. Sexting during school is an overused of the first amendment. It can result into big charges depending on their age.

In addition to cyberbullying students use it against others. Due to a lot of bullying some students take their life away. Not everyone can handle so much of getting name called or harsh words. Transgender students are tired of being picked on and having a life filled with loneliness, sexual harassment essay, fear sexual harassment essay self-hatred. Sexual harassment in an educational setting Both males and females experience some kind of sexual harassment in different settings including educational, workplace and environmental settings. Sexual harassment includes derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, sexting, letters and notes of a sexual nature, assault, touching, sexual gesture, sexually explicit pictures and cartoons.

Offering favors in exchange of sexual favors sexual harassment essay also considered as sexual harassment, sexual harassment essay, and it is very common in educational institutes Carinci, Despite the fact that sexual harassment essay harassment is forbidden under the title VII of Civil Right Act of and Title IX of the Education Amendments ofsexual harassment essay, the high frequency of sexual harassment shows how vast the problem is Zittleman,…. In early childhood, some students might identify themselves as belonging to this protected class, having loved ones who are members or even being raised in a home headed by sexual minorities.

These students might suffer from the actions just listed and develop emotional problems from feelings of worthlessness to suicide. The student wrongdoers against them may grow up to be terminated from employment for unjust dealings with a sexual minority or even incarcerated for committing hate crimes sexual harassment essay all of their irrational fear, hate, bigotry, prejudice, intolerance, lack of compassion or other inapt attitude most likely stems from ignorance. To avoid damages to potential victims and perpetrators in these scenarios, I am in favor of including positive information about sexual minorities in a sex education class that stresses the importance of demonstrating at least tolerance, if not acceptance and respect.

However, this group presentation has changed my whole perspective of sexual harassment essay in teams. And now I can sexual harassment essay that, I will be able to put myself out in front of people, sexual harassment essay, and bond with them better than before. From this presentation preparation, I not only improved in working in a group, I also learned methods of researching and analyzing. The presentation contain many tasks; such as selecting reading materials, reading various article and critically analyzing them.

Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool, sexual harassment essay. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays, sexual harassment essay. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Sexual Harassment Essay. Sexual Harassment Essay Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Gay Bullying Essay One group in particular that suffers from this is the LGBT minority. Read More. Words: - Pages: 6. Words: - Pages: 4. Gender Variations In Intersex There are males who always want sex but that is not a statement that is always true. Gender Inequalities In The Workplace An alarming amount of women are victims of sexual harassment in the workplace - especially when they are the minority.

Cyberbullying: The Overused The First Amendment Sexting during school is an overused of the first amendment. Hararrassment: A Big Problem Of Transgender Students Transgender students are tired of being picked on and having a life filled with loneliness, fear and self-hatred. Sexual Harassment In Education Sexual harassment in an educational setting Both males and females experience some kind of sexual harassment in different settings including educational, workplace and environmental settings. Words: - Pages: 5. Words: - Pages: 7. Related Topics. Abuse Bullying. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps.

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The harasser can be of any gender and also prey on any gender. Sexual harassment does not always have to directed at a certain person. The Equal Opportunity that most companies use has to deal with situations like this. Our government laws do not really cover teasing and subliminal comments but, they can be upsetting and cause emotional problems for people. Sexual harassment can occur in many different circumstances. The main thing people need to know is that it can happen to men too. The reason for this is because it can happen anywhere and if issues arise it can be difficult for a company, even for a school. It can happen in many different scenarios, including after-hours conversations, hanging out in the hallways, and lounge area settings of employees or peers.

Sexual harassment should never be overlooked. These acts can affect people in many ways. When in school walking around or just sitting down this can happen, there is zero-tolerance acts in effect. There are many avenues you can take to get help against predators. One hotline is:. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Sexual Harassment in a Workplace Introduction According to human rights, sexual harassment is unexpected sexual behavior which could possibly make an individual feel intimidated, humiliated or offended.

Sexual Harassment and how to Stop it Background Information Sexual harassment is sexual discrimination that violates Title 7 of the civil rights act of How Culture Can Breed Sexual Harassment in the Academy Introduction In higher education, relationships of trust and confidence that are built outside of the classroom are often just as important as those built inside of the classroom. Sexual Harassment in the Work Place and Gender Inequality Abbas, Sammar. Minimizing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Today the topic of sexual harassment is as popular as it has ever been due to the MeToo movement that became common in the entertainment industry just slightly over a year ago.

The SHARP Academy Sexual assault events have been increasing throughout the Army, despite efforts to decrease the occurrence of such events. Inappropriate Behavior The discrimination in the United States that was based on color, religion and race was brought to an end by the Civil Rights Act of that was amended and given powers to help in the distribution of facilities equally to the citizens. The American Press and Sexual Harassment Will there be a before and after Harvey Weinstein affair? How Current Military Approach Reduces the Risk of Sexual Assault Fight or Flight? What are the Mental Effects of Sexual Harassment? Sexual Harassment: One of the Biggest Problems One of the biggest problems with sexual harassment is that it is often goes unnoticed.

About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace In , federal court jurors listened as Ani Chopourian described the sexual harassment she endured as cardiac surgery physician assistant at a Sacramento hospital. Term Limits Based off of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is harassment, in both men or women, in a professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks. Why does the Number of Sexual Assaults Continue to Increase Throughout the Army? Intercultural Experience Proposal on Sexual Harassment The social problem I chose to do my paper on is sexual harassment. Related topics Social Issues Army Sharp Justice Policy Sexual Assault Crime Rape Abuse Discrimination Gender Inequality Feminism.

Acts to look out for to see that harassment is happening: This for that Jokes talking about sexual acts sexual preference. Unwanted physical contact. Unwanted flirting. Talking about sexual dreams Feeling pressured to engage with someone sexually. Touching yourself in front of others. One hotline is: Rainn rape, abuse, incest, national network hotline o This is particularly important as cyber security, chemical, and nuclear threats become more prevalent. Although the military has expanding its diversity initiative in recent years, a large proportion of the military is comprised of men. According to the Defense Department, women now make up…. References: 1. Department of the Army. Army leadership ADP pdf 2. Malamuth, N.

The confluence model of sexual aggression: Combining hostile masculinity and impersonal sex. Sex Offender Treatment, 3. Sadler, A. Military Psychology, , Cultural Issues: Sexual HarassmentAlthough it might appear sexual harassment is universally a bad thing, different cultures may have different standards and norms for what constitutes harassment. This is a very difficult topic. Even within our own cultural context, people have very different levels of comfort regarding sexual issues. Some cultures have standards of modesty that might forbid someone from discussing intimate matters with a counselor of the opposite gender.

Other cultures might accept a level of flirtatiousness and intimacy as normal, even comparison with our own secular, relaxed standards. Some cultures may regard feminism as sacrosanct, while others may consider deference to feminine weakness polite. As well as religion and gender, sexual orientation, power position, even geography and employment background might be relevant, as individuals from certain areas of the country or…. Reference Mishra, V. Sexual harassment training: A need to consider cultural differences. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13 2 , One important ethical issue currently facing the Army is the problem of sexual harassment. This paper will illustrate the root cause of sexual harassment, its impact on the force, and present a solution for addressing the root cause.

What is at the Root of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment stems from an inappropriate regard for opposite sex. However, now that women share a more prominent role in the military alongside men, the problem of sexual harassment has increased, and Bennett points…. References Allen, C. Ethics and army leadership: climate matters. Parameters, 45 1 , Bennett, J. Combating Sexual Assault With the Military Ethic: Exploring Culture, Military Institutions, and Norms-Based Preventive Policy. Gore, K. Beliefs about sexual assault and sexual harassment: Prevalence, prevention, and progress. AR Morral. Stimson, C. Sexual Assault in the Military: Understanding the Problem and How to Fix It. Background Amanda is a year-old female who works as a customer service representative in a local call center.

She is married and has a two-year-old daughter. Amanda came in seeking help as a result of an awareness that some of the men at her workplace may have crossed the line when it comes to the treatment of women. This is the only place she has ever worked and thought these behaviors were normal until the MeToo movement brought it to her attention that their behavior is more than just the corporate culture. When Amanda thought about it, she realized that she was being sexually harassed, and possibly even singled out by males in her work environment. She does not feel comfortable talking about this issue with human resources or her current supervisor, because her supervisor is one of the perpetrators.

She fears that complaining at work will have repercussions and…. References Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. ABCT Sexual Assault. Sexual Harassment Is About Mental Health, Not Only in the Workplace. Talking About MeToo. Counseling Today. Sexual Harassment. Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. EEOC These public sector good old boy networks pale in comparison, though, to the male-dominating culture that exists in organizations such as the U. Although significant progress has been made in encouraging women to enlist in the U. Army and even serve in combat roles in recent years, the lingering effects of the good old boy network in the U. Army together with the prevalence of sexual harassment and the high-profile reports of these occurrences have discouraged many women from pursuing a military career.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review…. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company. Demographics of the U. Council on Foreign Relations. Ferguson, K. Can trust be restored? Psychological Health Center of Excellence. Stewart, J. Department of Defense Fiscal Year annual report on sexual assault in the military. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Ethics Considerations Investigations of high-ranking members of an organization are uncomfortable and potentially harmful for the reputation of the firm. Allegations once made cannot be put back in the box. Thus, it should be with great care and consideration that any investigation into a high-ranking leader in a firm is conducted; information should be verified; evidence should be collected and documented; and facts should be permitted to tell their own story.

Because this case, however, relies upon witness testimony, the facts are not going to be as clear as what one might find in a case of money laundering, where there is a paper trail. This case will rely on eye witness testimony and the testimony of a manager to whom was confided the information of harassment by the…. References Nemeth, C. Private Security and the Investigative Process, 4th Edition. Florida: CRC Press. Sennewald, C. Security Consulting, 3rd Edition. MeToo in the Workplace With the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and the fall from grace of several other prominent persons in media and entertainment, business and government— from Charlie Rose to to Matt Lauer to Rep.

Patrick Meehan to Les Moonves to Kevin Spacey—a veritable slew of names and stories has appeared, propelling the MeToo Movement into existence Glamour. However, some have questioned whether the MeToo Movement has run into a wall and lost steam just when it looked like it might usher in real change on the heels of so much awareness being raised Tchen. The question this paper asks is: Has the MeToo movement changed the way corporations address sexual harassment in the workplace? The answer is that, yes, in some ways it has changed the way corporations address sexual harassment in the workplace—at least in high-profile cases wherein companies want to distance themselves from any….

Works Cited Elsesser, Kim. html Littleton, Cynthia and Joe Otterson. Ralph, Sarah. Shultz, Elizabeth. Tchen, Tina. We still have a long way to go. IRAC: Stoll v. Runyon Issue Issue 2 Cynthia Stoll was subjected to both quid pro quo sexual harassment and a hostile workplace environment at the Sacramento Post Office. Runyon, p. The Post Office refused to award front pay. Issue 2 Stoll contended she was eligible for disability benefits due to the fact her psychological disturbances were trigged by her harassment. Rule Rule 1 The Office of Federal Operations OFO and the US Post Office both refused to award front pay, given that Stoll had been so psychologically debilitated by her experience she might not work again and argued that front pay in this instance would be tantamount to compensatory damages which were barred under….

These sessions should teach employees what sexual harassment is, explain that employees have a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment and review your complaint procedure and encourage employees to use it. The sessions should educate the managers and supervisors about sexual harassment and explain how to deal with complaints. Immediately investigate complains and respond to all valid threats. Bibliography Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a dangerous weed which needs to be rooted out from our society. This malady threatens our fundamental constitutional basis of freedom and equality for all. Implementing a good sexual harassment policy at the organizational level and strict enforcement of punishments for offenders is the rightful solution to the problem.

Sexual harassment has assumed huge proportions and is an omnipresent problem raising its hood in all social and professional domains. Women, being the weaker sex are the most affected by this social evil and all the positive achievements of the women's liberation movement have been spoilt by this malady. Gender discrimination continues to haunt us and at every level and it has cast a doubt on the general notion of America as a nation of liberty and gender equality. The corporate sector is no more a secure place for women, with sexual harassment cases getting revealed one by…. html Kimberly A. This must be done with care so that the accused offender does not attempt to take retaliatory action against the accuser. The Goforth article discusses how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission use outreach programs to show business leaders how a proactive approach to sexual harassment issues can prevent lawsuits, protect bottom lines and preserve reputations.

The article recommends that employers must take an active role in creating an atmosphere in which employees like to come to work. Sexual harassment in this case must be addressed on a personal level with employees, to put the challenge out in the open. A third suggestion of how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace is mentioned in Elliot's article. Elliot suggestions that all employers should implement and strictly enforce a sexual harassment policy, and he offers a list of items that any good policy must include. That said, Perry notes that "we know surprisingly little" about whether the training actually creates "positive change"; and given that lack of specific knowledge, the authors present what they call the "best training practices" that are available for HR departments and managers The "best practices" factors that have proven successful in preparing HR professionals in matters of sexual harassment include: a "Pre-training factors" an assessment of who needs the training; how will the training take place; and what will the content be ; b "Training Design and Delivery Factors" this is an area where there is no one good answer; in some situations "passive" methods might be best and in other situations "experiential" methods might be better ; and c "Post-training Factors" once learning has taken place, thee needs to be "reinforcement" to keep trainees motivated to use what they learned during the training exercises Perry, Meanwhile, Canada certainly….

Works Cited Boxall, P. Mutuality in the Management of Human Resources: Assessing the Quality of Alignment in Employment Relationships. Human Resource Management Journal, 23 1 , 3- Perry, E. Sexual Harassment Training: Recommendations To Address Gaps Between the Practitioner and Research Literatures. Human Resource. Sexual Harassment The term sexual harassment refers to unreasonable intrusion into a person's personal space in relation to comments or actions of a sexual nature. There are laws dating back to the s under the Civil ights Act that target this issue in the workplace. This law was enacted to prohibit this type of behavior at work in addition to providing a framework or guidelines for employers to resolve the issue.

There are several types of harassment considered unlawful and the focus here is to understand and determine how employees can respond to sexual actions in the workplace that create a hostile work environment Employment Law There are several circumstances in the workplace where sexual advances or comments are considered inappropriate, unreasonable, even hostile according to Employment and the Law Comments that repeat innuendo of a sexual nature such as dirty jokes, lewdness or slurs against the opposite…. References EEOC. Policy guidance on current issues of sexual harassment.

html Employment Law. Sexual harassment. htm Klein, K. Unwelcome attention disorder. Business Week. Given the context and the fact that being a convicted criminal and a sex offender could conceivably make the risk of any type of abuse whether or not of a sexual nature foreseeable, that defense is unlikely to succeed. However, generally, the knowledge of one Board member who does not disclose that knowledge to the Board will not be imputed to the rest of the Board. In any case, that issue is unlikely to matter because of the school's liability in negligence even without knowledge. Question 3 As previously discussed, the school is likely to be found liable to Anna for Title VII discrimination by virtue of her age because it allowed Forester to create a hostile work environment by failing to discipline either Forester or DuFrane, the other male teacher who made the hostile statement.

The school will argue that even under those facts, the severity and extent…. orks Cited Anderson, Sherwood. inesburg, Ohio. New York: B.. com, Dragan, Edward F. Duffy, Jim, Stacey areham, and Margaret alsh. Lucero, Margaret a. Allen, and Karen L. Packman, Jill, illiam J. Lepkowski, Christian C. Overton, and Marlowe Smaby. Secondary School. Works Cited Anderson, Sherwood. Winesburg, Ohio. New York: B. Duffy, Jim, Stacey Wareham, and Margaret Walsh. Sexual harassment is one of the most common forms of gender-based discrimination that has spread in the recent past despite its impact on victims with regards to depriving them equality and dignity. Generally, sexual harassment involves sexual discrimination that infringes civil rights through unwanted sexual advances, verbal or physical sexual conduct, and requests for sexual favors in a manner that affects a person's work performance or social relations.

The victims of this form of gender-discrimination and crime usually feel powerless and have low self-esteem because its most common injuries are emotional. The prevalence of this crime is evident in its current spread in the education environment as well as other workplaces. Actions Constituting Sexual Harassment in the Education Environment Given its current spread, sexual harassment has become common in the modern education environment. Similar to other workplaces, sexual harassment in the education environment occurs between teachers and their employers. References "Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education.

html Education Dept. Inspector General Off. Investigation Office. Sexual Harassment: It's Not Academic. html Stier, W. An Overview of Sexual Harassment. Strategies, 18 4 , Sexual Harassment The author of this report has been asked to assess and review an article that is related to the subject matter in the class text for this class. The author of this report shall focus on sexual harassment. While the ubiquity of sexual harassment training and enforcement of laws not to mention lawsuits relating to the same would seem to reduce the practice by offenders, sexual harassment is apparently still alive and well. As described by the class text, sexual harassment is basically any behavior, action or condition that is sexualized in nature and that leads to a person being sexually threatened, denigrated or made uncomfortable.

Examples of sexual harassment would include having a picture of a bikini-clad…. References Bennett-Alexander, D. Employment law for business. Boston, Mass. Lachman, S. The Huffington Post. Welsh examines sexual harassment from a gender perspective and concludes that sexual harassment may be contextualized by both 'organizational and individual factors" and that gender examination is primary to the study of sexual harassment; further she claims there is no unified theoretical framework that can help explain the occurrence of sexual harassment Many studies have concluded that sexual harassment lowers morale, increases absenteeism, decreases overall job satisfaction and individual's perceptions of opportunity within the organization as well as damages interpersonal relationships Welsh, ; Gruber In addition sexual harassment can have psychological and health consequences on people including nausea, stress and headaches which can impact an individual's personal and work life Welsh, There are even studies that link frequent occurrences of sexual harassment to long-term illnesses including post traumatic stress disorders Welsh, Sexual harassment thus has the ability to not only affect work related outcomes but….

References Acker, J. Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organizations. Gender Society, 4, Dellinger, K. Grauerholz, E. Prime time sexual harassment. Violence against Women, 3, This is especially true since American men and women tend to hold dramatically different views concerning what types of behaviors equate to sexual harassment, making the management of this issue even more challenging Elkins et al. There remains a lack of research, though, concerning what types of actions are most effective in reducing the number of sexual harassment claims in the workplace, as well as how employees actually feel about organizations that take actions against sexual harassers. In this environment, it is not surprising that the number of sexual harassment claims continues to grow and that the awards being assigned to victims of sexual harassment continue to increase.

There is simply no room in the American workplace for behaviors that discriminate against individuals based on gender or race or religion, of course, but the fact that there are some important biological differences involved in sexual harassment cases indicates that…. References Elkins, T. Organizational sexual harassment investigations: Observers' perceptions of fairness. Journal of Managerial Issues, 20 1 ,. Janove does point out that there are many victims of sexual harassment in the workplace, but that often those most affected tend to keep quite, or attempt to avoid their harassers altogether when possible. In a case study the author points out that some managers still fail to take action against supervisors or managers that may be engaging in sexually harassing behaviors, in part because they may be engaging in similar behaviors themselves.

This was shown to be more often the case in a male dominated work environment that one that was more gender neutral. Silence according to the author does not indicate a lack of knowledge regarding H law or sexual harassment issues, but rather suggests that many employees have expressed a desire to avoid conflict rather than face the consequences of coming forth against harassers. The author cites a study reported by Joan Kennedy Taylor in "What…. Rotundo, M. real issue facing employees and the companies they work for, the topic of sexual harassment plagues courts and policy makers. The problem often rests with the definition: what constitutes sexual harassment?

Sometimes innocent innuendo is mistaken for hostility. In the modern working environment, such hyperawareness proves unproductive. As Anne B. Fisher states in her article, "Sexual Harassment: What to Do? It will be a sad day, if it ever comes, when people are too nervous to ask a pal out for a drink," p. These sentiments are shared by Kingsley R. Browne in his exposition, "Title VII as Censorship: Hostile-Environment Harassment and the First Amendment. The company should then establish clear procedures with regard to reporting of cases and the way they are handled, this can be done by establishing a competent body to handle this issue.

The last step is enforcement of the policy, when all this is done then the policies will help safeguard the employees and at the same time reducing on company liabilities since there will be few cases to handle. Who should be responsible? Most companies have handed over the responsibility of protecting employees against sexual harassment to the employees themselves claiming that it is them who allow it to happen. Similarly, many individuals have raised the same argument and made recommendations supporting such a move. This should not be the case and is actually one of the factors that have led to the widespread of this vice.

Matters are made worse when individuals are given the task of collecting…. References Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. Facts about sexual harassment. html Meloy, J. The psychology of stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives. New York: Academic Press. Mullen, P. A study of stalkers. American Journal of Psychiatry, Prekel, Truida Sexual Harassment: Causes, Consequences and Cures, Retrieved March 2,. Sociology The Impact of Workplace Sexual Harassment on Employees and Employers Sexual Harassment SH is a subject that has made its way into the normative, professional lexicon. SH used to be a topic that was not taken seriously because it was a part of the workplace environment that was normal and was not subject to punitive consequences, though there are occasions that are exceptions to the rule.

SH is a subject that must be taken seriously by every employee or member of an organization. SH is a subject that must be taken seriously on the individual level and on the organizational level. SH directly affects fundamental aspects of a place of employment, no matter the industry. Prevalent, pervasive, and even sporadic SH in the workplace serves as a destructive force from within and from without. There is no workplace environment that exists that will never have one instance of SH. References: Houle, Jason N. Jackson, Robert A. Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment The judge's decision was appropriate for this case because it was proven that Ms. The western societies are more open about the claims to sexual harassment and they deal with it in a much more mature manner.

There is a whole system and procedures in place which are activated when such a case comes up. The famous cases of sexual harassment on Senator Bob Packwood and Six-year-old v. Brockton, Massachusetts School District; were dealt with in an appropriate manner. As a result of their act, in the former case the senator faced resignation from his post. Latter case resulted in the school revising its sexual harassment policy. Even though we had complaints regarding sexual harassment where former Punjab Director General of Police, KPS Gill was accused of harassing a senior IPS Officer in From then till now, where we have heard of Ashok Kumar Ganguly, a former Supreme Court judge and Tarun Tejpal , chief editor of Tehelka magazine; we have had several cases of sexual harassment.

It took 20 years for the Indian judiciary to come up with laws to protect women from sexual harassment. Vishakha guidelines were taken as a law in which stood against harassment of women in workplace. What is astounding about this law is that it raises more questions than it answers. Does this law not consider harassment at home or in any public domain to be equivalent to harassment in place? Does it not believe that even men can be victims of sexual harassment? Is it compulsorily going to be a woman who will be assaulted in India? Nowadays we have many NGOs and university cells which are spreading awareness on sexual harassment and encouraging people to fight and speak up against it. This campaign took wings in a few days and many tweets and Facebook posts started to talk explicitly of how and where people were harassed.

There are cases of harassment filed on behalf of juvenile girls in India, by their parents. From the age of three to seventy-two, we have had cases of women being harassed and exploited. Age is not a factor which provokes such incidents, as claimed by many. How sexually developed is a three-year-old girl to be raped? what pleasure will anyone get by sexually abusing a seventy-two-year-old woman? Often in India it is claimed that women are raped cause of their eating habits and because they put on denims. Well these notions are the most ridiculous ones for anyone to believe. There are people who wear denims and skirts every day and have not been raped whereas women in saree have also faced assault in India.

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