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Coke vs pepsi essay

Coke vs pepsi essay

It also stands a marketing tool. Its brand name of this product originated from the ingredients used to produce it Pepsin and Cola hence, giving coke vs pepsi essay useful information. Several years ago a ban has been placed on Coca-Cola from doing animal experimentation. Therefore, Coca-Cola Company proposes that they company will introduce a new line of drinks that are zero to low calorie, coke vs pepsi essay, that have healthy effects on the body and are able to provide energy without the use of caffeine and other controversial ingredients and brought to market by the year In the past, the product name was Pepsi Cola, but this has gone through numerous facelifts and today, three colors red blue and white logo signify of the brand. Would you like to get a custom essay?

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Recently the competition between established firms has only coke vs pepsi essay with the market nearing its saturation point. All companies in the industry, especially those thinking about entering, have to think about: rivalry among establish firms, risk of entry by potential competitors, substitute products, suppliers, and buyers, coke vs pepsi essay. When talking about market share, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have the lions share. They have dominated the industry over the past 40 years with Coca-Cola leading in the coke vs pepsi essay in Rivalry and power struggle have defined the existence of PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, coke vs pepsi essay, looking for a competitive advantage to gain an edge on the competition, coke vs pepsi essay.

This rivalry has been to the benefit to the companies, the industry, and its consumers as a whole. Both have learned to not only stay afloat, coke vs pepsi essay, but flourish in an industry that has constantly grown since Coca-Cola began advertising in They did this by increasing the demand in their products, and gaining brand loyalty by their consumers. In some instances, they were selling cases of Dasani Coca-Cola and Aquafina PepsiCo for less than coke vs pepsi essay cost of bottling it. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola dominate the industry with their brand name and distribution channels, which makes it difficult for new entrants to coke vs pepsi essay with these existing firms.

High fixed costs of production facilities, logistics, and economies of scale also deter entry. Order custom essay Coke vs Pepsi with free plagiarism report. Substitute products come from competitors outside of the soft drink industry. These include: coffee, sports drinks, bottled water, tea, and juices. This is an increasingly growing force since consumers are becoming coke vs pepsi essay health conscious in society. Most people are thinking about what carbonated soft drinks do to their bodies and replace them with sports drinks which appear to be healthier. These drinks also allow for a larger variety of flavors the appeal to different consumers. Coffee and tea may also be substitutes for the consumer who drinks soda for the coke vs pepsi essay they contain.

Consumers can switch to coffee to decrease the amount of sugar and carbonation. These also come in a larger variety of flavors provided companies, such as Starbucks, that have become extremely popular over the past 20 years. These substitutes are a large and powerful force in the industry, especially since the switching costs the cost to switch from coke vs pepsi essay product to the next are essentially zero. In body, mind, and spirit Inspire Moments of Optimism Everywhere we engage. The company as been built upon ethically sound principles which are timeless in nature and has guided them to the top of the beverage market. com, The goals Coca-Cola in the early were: increasing our numbers of consumers who enjoy the Coca-Cola products and brands and expand the global business.

To be reaching these goals the company would effectively use their financial resources: capital, brands, and customers. These resources are already in existence, one may think that we need only to draw on them to reach these goals, but this is completely wrong. This vertical integration essentially made Coke its own bottler, which almost cut out suppliers entirely. com, The buyers of soft drinks range from Supermarkets, coke vs pepsi essay, to mass retailers and supercenters, to gas stations. Soft drinks are sold to these stores which are, in turn, resold to consumers. The power that buyers have in the industry is very strong. Larger stores like Wal-Mart purchase soft drink in large volumes allowing them to buy at lower prices, coke vs pepsi essay. Gas stations have lower bargaining power since they buy smaller quantities.

Although soft drink demand is beginning to plateau which could cause a shift in bargaining power to the buyer because of decreasing demands in both Pepsi and Coke. It has shown that industry has been very profitable in coke vs pepsi essay years, especially to Pepsi and Coke. Demand for soft drinks is beginning to level off because of a new health conscious trend by the consumer will inevitably affect profits. The industry has also been defined by intense rivalry by the two largest firms which leave little room for new entrants. The soft drink industry has reached its peak in society and will soon begin to decline soon because of the consumers decrease in demand for the product and increased demand in other healthier products.

For both companies to stay profitable, they will have to curtail their products to the new health conscious trend of the consumer. The value created by the soft drink industry is distributed and apparent across the industry in a variety of ways. Pepsi and Coke at first only produced their cola products, two companies each with one product line. The coke vs pepsi essay of both companies led them to diversify their production capabilities and produce different flavors of soda; Fanta, Sprite, and Tab from Coke, and Teem, Mountain Dew, and Diet Pepsi from Pepsi. These expanded product lines proved to be highly profitable and were continued and expanded on in the years to come.

By the late s Coke and Pepsi each coke vs pepsi essay more than 10 major brands of soda in 17 or more sizes. This product proliferation increased profitability, rivalry, and barriers to entry. Soon drinks sports drinks such as Gatorade and PowerAde, juices and juice drinks, energy drinks, tea based drinks, and bottled water will break into the industry, coke vs pepsi essay. These new product lines all had substitute products from the other company to battle with. Pepsi and Coke had a vast understanding on game theory and demonstrated it with their sequential and simultaneous move games. This led to an enormous selection for the consumer, whose only problem was choosing a flavor.

Both Pepsi and Coke both have secret recipes to their flagship cola. Coke was the first to be imitated in its early years. The company constantly fought trademark infringements in court. There were as many as barred imitation of Coca-Cola in alone. When Pepsi proved to be a viable competitor to Coke, the company filed a suit against Pepsi claiming it was an infringement on the Coca-Cola Trademark, coke vs pepsi essay. From that point on the two companies engaged in competitive marketing campaigns to gain market share. Coke and Pepsi are two gigantic companies that have flourished throughout their existence. They can be described as the definition of rivalry and competition in the modern business world. They are exact substitutes of each other and have battled to control the carbonated soft drink industry for over a century.

From the s-present, the carbonated soft drink industry has steadily increased in terms of consumption by person in the US. Unfortunately times are changing, and the superiority that the carbonated soft drink industry once held among beverages is slowly fading. Schools are banning sodas from being sold in coke vs pepsi essay, claiming they are unhealthy for children. A majority of the US population is very health conscious, which leaves little room for the sugary carbonated soft drinks that used to dominated beverage consumption, coke vs pepsi essay. The stability of the Soft drink Industry as a whole is in jeopardy.

Coke and Pepsi will have to find alternatives to increase market share, or break into new markets, if they want sales to keep increasing like they have in the past. Non-carbonated beverages, such as juices, sports drinks, and energy drinks, are beginning to grow more rapidly than when they first were introduced, while carbonated beverages are leveling off. This health conscious shift will lead Coca-Cola and Pepsi executives to focus in these once thought auxiliary components of their business to pick up the slack that the carbonated industry is leaving behind. Coke and Pepsi will not be able to repeat their success with carbonated beverages in the water segment.

There are simply too many similar substitutes for customers to turn to, and the brand loyalty diminishes. Fortunately for the market it is much cheaper to bottle and sell water than it is carbonated soft drinks, so competitive advantage will need to inevitably be realized in other parts of the business. Environmental factors A growing trend in the world today as we move into the future is in regards to the environmental factors that businesses have on the planet, coke vs pepsi essay. Coca-Cola is no exception in that they have developed awareness programs and have taken coke vs pepsi essay in regards to reducing waste and energy. As such a large corporation Coca-Cola is aware the effect that little things such as water conservation has coke vs pepsi essay the global environment.

The company also has developed partnerships with companies such as the World Wildlife Fund, the CEO Water Mandate, and the United Nations Global Compact which helps to preserve freshwater, coke vs pepsi essay. Several years ago a ban has been placed on Coca-Cola from doing animal experimentation. Coca-Cola also was providing scholarships and grants to colleges which were conducting tests and research on rats with their products. Because of the pressures of PETA and the negative publicity that has arisen, coke vs pepsi essay, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Co have agreed to ban any future testing of their products on animals. Coca-Cola has also discontinued their grant programs Goodman, Macroeconomic outlook The financial outlook for Coca-Cola is a promising one apart from the turmoil of the United States financial markets.

They have a steady growth rate. Goodman, Therefore, Coca-Cola Company believes that their company will experience steady growth for five to ten years to come. In order to achieve sustained growth the company believes they must address five key opportunities where they believe will have the most growth impact. Sparkling beverages are the carbonated drinks such as their Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Fanta, etc. Recently, however the company has experienced a decline in sales and growth across the US in the sparkling beverage market. Coca-Cola Company is concerned on what the effects of the current social health trends will have on their company, coke vs pepsi essay. com, Coca-Cola Company believes that the company will continue to experience growth in the foreign markets despite the poorer performance in America.

Secondly, a great opportunity for Coca-Cola Company is to expand into many of the emerging markets such as the sports drinks, coffees, teas, juices which many of these drinks because of their natures are high margin products. Coca-Cola Company believes the largest opportunity of growth in the company is in the area of the still brands. These items include the coffees, teas, waters, energy, and juice products. Third, the company plans on renewing their strength in their flagship market, North America, through advertising and marketing their products to the ever growing middle class consumers.

This cost savings will allow the company to be able to invest in growth of the company coke vs pepsi essay. And lastly the company wants to focus on building deeper customer relationships with their clients, franchise owners, bottlers, and employees to ensure lasting growth. As the company strives to build deeper relationships with their clients and customers they relate to how Coca-Cola wants their customers to coke vs pepsi essay and to be inspired. Their relationships with their partnerships and franchisers and influenced by a strong focus on people. The company is mindful of maximizing profit and recognizing their responsibility and relationship to the shareholders.

As the company continues to strive to engineer and pose new products on the market and focus on their current opportunities in foreign markets Coca-Cola Company strives to build a stronger portfolio. First off, the company measures sales growth in unit case volumes coca-cola. Coca-Cola Company is recognizing the potential impact of this savings and believes that the projection is probable. Coca-Cola Company wants to move forward with the implementation of these initiatives and take advantage of these new technologies and process improvements.

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In addition, it provides contact information of the manufacturer as well as the place or location of manufacturing for purpose of after sale services. The product also provides additional information about it such as the website domain. On the hand, Pespsi may be similar to Coca cola products in some instances Horowitz, The customer support for Pepsi is great since they provide fast response and easy accessibility and availability of Pepsi for purposes of contact in case an issue arises. Potential products includes all the transformations and augmentations that a product might undergo ultimately in the future Lubin, For Coca Cola, the pledge is to assist their customers to remain active as well as making choices that are of high nutritional value.

Coca Cola provides an array of products that ensures that the individual needs as well the lifestyle nature of their consumers are catered for. Coca Cola provides low and zero calorie beverages as well as regular calorie beverages that are packaged in various small portions Bodden, The objective of the solution was to address the issue of obesity across the globe. On the other hand, Pepsi is also concerned with the issue of obesity in the world and it is taking measures to control the situation. The company is considering at the content of sugar, saturated fats, and salt in the food and the beverage products they offer. In addition, Pepsi is considering increasing fruits, whole grains, vegetables and nuts in their products. In terms of brand knowledge and brand position, Coca Cola is established its brand in many parts across the world where it had captured significant beverage market share in various markets such as in Africa, and Europe Lubin, Pepsi on the hand is mostly popular in the United States where it concentrates more in offering its products.

Why not get a unique paper done for you? This health conscious shift will lead Coca-Cola and Pepsi executives to focus in these once thought auxiliary components of their business to pick up the slack that the carbonated industry is leaving behind. Coke and Pepsi will not be able to repeat their success with carbonated beverages in the water segment. There are simply too many similar substitutes for customers to turn to, and the brand loyalty diminishes. Fortunately for the market it is much cheaper to bottle and sell water than it is carbonated soft drinks, so competitive advantage will need to inevitably be realized in other parts of the business. Environmental factors A growing trend in the world today as we move into the future is in regards to the environmental factors that businesses have on the planet.

Coca-Cola is no exception in that they have developed awareness programs and have taken action in regards to reducing waste and energy. As such a large corporation Coca-Cola is aware the effect that little things such as water conservation has on the global environment. The company also has developed partnerships with companies such as the World Wildlife Fund, the CEO Water Mandate, and the United Nations Global Compact which helps to preserve freshwater. Several years ago a ban has been placed on Coca-Cola from doing animal experimentation. Coca-Cola also was providing scholarships and grants to colleges which were conducting tests and research on rats with their products.

Because of the pressures of PETA and the negative publicity that has arisen, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Co have agreed to ban any future testing of their products on animals. Coca-Cola has also discontinued their grant programs Goodman, Macroeconomic outlook The financial outlook for Coca-Cola is a promising one apart from the turmoil of the United States financial markets. They have a steady growth rate. Goodman, Therefore, Coca-Cola Company believes that their company will experience steady growth for five to ten years to come. In order to achieve sustained growth the company believes they must address five key opportunities where they believe will have the most growth impact.

Sparkling beverages are the carbonated drinks such as their Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Fanta, etc. Recently, however the company has experienced a decline in sales and growth across the US in the sparkling beverage market. Coca-Cola Company is concerned on what the effects of the current social health trends will have on their company. com, Coca-Cola Company believes that the company will continue to experience growth in the foreign markets despite the poorer performance in America.

Secondly, a great opportunity for Coca-Cola Company is to expand into many of the emerging markets such as the sports drinks, coffees, teas, juices which many of these drinks because of their natures are high margin products. Coca-Cola Company believes the largest opportunity of growth in the company is in the area of the still brands. These items include the coffees, teas, waters, energy, and juice products. Third, the company plans on renewing their strength in their flagship market, North America, through advertising and marketing their products to the ever growing middle class consumers.

This cost savings will allow the company to be able to invest in growth of the company coca-cola. And lastly the company wants to focus on building deeper customer relationships with their clients, franchise owners, bottlers, and employees to ensure lasting growth. As the company strives to build deeper relationships with their clients and customers they relate to how Coca-Cola wants their customers to feel and to be inspired. Their relationships with their partnerships and franchisers and influenced by a strong focus on people. The company is mindful of maximizing profit and recognizing their responsibility and relationship to the shareholders.

As the company continues to strive to engineer and pose new products on the market and focus on their current opportunities in foreign markets Coca-Cola Company strives to build a stronger portfolio. First off, the company measures sales growth in unit case volumes coca-cola. Coca-Cola Company is recognizing the potential impact of this savings and believes that the projection is probable. Coca-Cola Company wants to move forward with the implementation of these initiatives and take advantage of these new technologies and process improvements. And lastly, the company feels that in order to stay competitive in this market they need to be constantly bringing new technologies and products to market.

Coca-Cola believes that the current trends in the marketplace are moving in the direction of the healthier line of products. Therefore, Coca-Cola Company proposes that they company will introduce a new line of drinks that are zero to low calorie, that have healthy effects on the body and are able to provide energy without the use of caffeine and other controversial ingredients and brought to market by the year Coke-Cola should strengthen the brand image for examples; dispose of a global brand architecture, and Coca-Cola should keep the local markets to help develop their own brand strategies and adapt more quickly and efficiently to the ever changing customer demands. The key however, is the original brand and taste that the customers are familiar with.

Consumers also purchase with the similar look f the product. The soft drink industries are continuing to change the look of the can and bottles. This keeps the consumers buying the product. The industry changes the look of the cans with the seasons, sporting events, ect. Middle managers will need to concentrate on the points of weakness, competitors, and what the consumers needs and want. Middle managers at Coke-Cola need eliminate the much of the downsizing and re-engineering in the global market. This essay was written by a fellow student.

You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Coke vs Pepsi. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Dec 18, Accessed January 7, com , Dec While Pepsico and Coca-Cola are both multinational corporations MNCs with extensive experience in international operations, their business dealings in India are not their most long held nor the least problematic.. Q Why the soft drink industry is so profitable? The soft drink industry is profitable because the industry has concentrated revenues between 2 major players and it is virtually impossible. I find that I am loyal to Coke Coca-cola over most of other cola drinks Pepsi, in particular and even over other kinds of carbonated beverages.

Whenever there is a. The marketing warfare between Pepsi and Coke is quite interesting thus making people believe that they are one, they are not. Pepsi has diversified its business into restaurants and snacks. An increase in awareness on health has led to the development of a health drinks segment that most organisations in the soft drink and food sectors are trying to harness.. Please read it carefully and weigh the important of the information as you try to advise Coke Indian's President, Sansei Guppy. Organizing your paper - use these steps to complete. Everyone likes to the refreshing, crisp taste of a cold Coca-Cola. There is a lot of history behind Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola started in Atlanta, Georgia in Coca-Cola was originally intended.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Business Corporations Coca Cola Coke vs Pepsi. The soft drink industry is very competitive for all companies involved. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs. get custom essay. Coke and Pepsi in India. Essay type Process.

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