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Essays on friendship

Essays on friendship

So, when one finds a very good and loyal important, it is like finding gold and one should do everything to keep friends like that. But to most of us society shows not its face and eye, but its side and its back. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Men have sometimes exchanged names with their friends, as if they would signify that in their friend each loved his own essays on friendship. Music 0. Let him not cease an instant to be himself, essays on friendship.

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Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student, essays on friendship. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers. Any opinions, findings, essays on friendship, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus, essays on friendship. People around the world have different views of friendship which equals different friendships being made around the world. Pop culture often reflects what our society thinks about friends. Some people follow what our society thinks what friends should be while others make friends based on culture, morals, and history. What makes my friends close and unique to me essays on friendship the simple decision that they were chosen by me.

My friends were not born into my family instead they were chosen based on my essays on friendship of what I believe friends are and what friendship is. With my personal experience friendship can help or break habits, for example, my friends can help me break a habit of playing video games when it is too late to play them at night. Friends do not criticize all my actions I do but instead, essays on friendship me what actions I should improve on in important matters or situations and in return I would do the same to them.

Friendship is all about having the trust to tell one another the good and bad and not taking offense to their comments but instead, listen to what they have to say. It is about the care and respects you have for the person and not wanting their actions to hurt someone. In addition, conflict should not mean the end of friendship but taken as growth. Conflict is natural for any relationship and friendship is just another form of a relationship. Any conflict can be resolved through talking, I believe talking between friends can show the different perspectives to help resolve the conflict. Talking can help strengthen the trust within the relationship between friends and help avoid or confront more conflicts, essays on friendship.

I personally believe an important aspect of friendship is trust. I believe trust plays an important factor in making friends because without trust I cannot bond with someone. Friends who do not trust each other cannot help one another grow or even support one another. Trust helps friends feel comfortable with each other because they feel like they can express their ideas or feelings. Trust helps form friendships because without trust all relationships and connections are empty. Another important aspect of friendship is the different adventures I can share with my friends. Going out with friends is important because it can help bring relationships closer, and I can get a deeper understanding of who they are.

My friends are not essays on friendship people who make me laugh but also people who help have new experiences without going against my morals. Friends should not cause conflict with one another because of the morals of another but instead find solutions around to share new experiences together. Humans are social animals wired for connection. But pop culture and society tend to dictate what a friend is and who they should be, essays on friendship. I believe friendship has no real definition, but people share a similar concept of what a friend is. Someone who is trustworthy to keep the relationship alive and someone who can openly discuss with you and debate against you.

Someone who can help break a habit, what makes friends unique is essays on friendship are not born into a family they are chosen by me. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search. Home Knowledge Base Popular Essay Topics Friendship Essay. Topic: What is friendship? Was this material helpful? Yes No. Leave A Comment? Cancel Reply. About StudySaurus Community. error: Content is protected!!

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Let us learn more about the significance of friendship in life. There is nothing more important than having a true friendship. In this world of selfish relations, having a true friendship is a true blessing. Friendship is viewed as one of the strongest bonds that any person can wish for. A genuine friendship makes your life fulfilling and worth living. The support of a true friend by your side is the only essential thing that one would want in their life. Lucky are the ones who get to have reliable and authentic friends in their life. Friendship is a devoted relation between any two individuals. Friendship is undeniably one of the best relations in the world.

It is nourished with the feeling of immense affection and care for one other. Friendship sets the base of every relation. It is one of the treasures in life that gives a sense and purpose to live life. Living alone can make you feel bored, and depressed in life. A true friend serves as a true companion that takes you out of zone and makes your life enjoyable and thrilling. He is that support system with which you can share anything without any fear of judgement and rejection. It is a valuable asset in life. There are certain times in life when we get lost in the constant need to prove our self-worth, there a friend helps us by showing us the right direction.

A person who has a good friend in life will never feel alone, sad or depressed. True friendship is that feeling of sharing, caring, and love. You can count on them. You have an assurance in your heart that no matter what there are certain people who would understand you and appreciate your true worth. You would not find any signs of showy attitude, sweet-talk, and conceited behavior in true friendship. You feel a sense of worth. One of the most important aspect of friendship is that you can depend on them in your good and bad phase. We meet several people in our life, but only a few of them choose to stay with us forever. Treasure them as they are the most beautiful gift from God to us. They turn out to be your actual support system, a guide, a mentor when everyone else show their friend.

With a true friend by your side, you get the assurance that you can easily sail any trying phase of your life. Why a true friendship last for an entire life is because it is based not on caste, race, qualification, wealth, religion creed etc. It is only based on two good hearts that appreciate each other completely and are willing to stay with one another for the whole life. It is a commitment that is not made by society, or by birth, it is a decision by based on their choice. I please my imagination more with a circle of godlike men and women variously related to each other, and between whom subsists a lofty intelligence. But I find this law of one to one peremptory for conversation, which is the practice and consummation of friendship.

Do not mix waters too much. The best mix as ill as good and bad. You shall have very useful and cheering discourse at several times with two several men, but let all three of you come together, and you shall not have one new and hearty word. Two may talk and one may hear, but three cannot take part in a conversation of the most sincere and searching sort. In good company there is never such discourse between two, across the table, as takes place when you leave them alone. In good company, the individuals merge their egotism into a social soul exactly co-extensive with the several consciousnesses there present. No partialities of friend to friend, no fondnesses of brother to sister, of wife to husband, are there pertinent, but quite otherwise.

Only he may then speak who can sail on the common thought of the party, and not poorly limited to his own. Now this convention, which good sense demands, destroys the high freedom of great conversation, which requires an absolute running of two souls into one. No two men but, being left alone with each other, enter into simpler relations. Yet it is affinity that determines which two shall converse. Unrelated men give little joy to each other; will never suspect the latent powers of each. We talk sometimes of a great talent for conversation, as if it were a permanent property in some individuals. Conversation is an evanescent relation, — no more.

A man is reputed to have thought and eloquence; he cannot, for all that, say a word to his cousin or his uncle. They accuse his silence with as much reason as they would blame the insignificance of a dial in the shade. In the sun it will mark the hour. Among those who enjoy his thought, he will regain his tongue. Friendship requires that rare mean betwixt likeness and unlikeness, that piques each with the presence of power and of consent in the other party. Let me be alone to the end of the world, rather than that my friend should overstep, by a word or a look, his real sympathy. I am equally balked by antagonism and by compliance. Let him not cease an instant to be himself.

The only joy I have in his being mine, is that the not mine is mine. I hate, where I looked for a manly furtherance, or at least a manly resistance, to find a mush of concession. Better be a nettle in the side of your friend than his echo. The condition which high friendship demands is ability to do without it. That high office requires great and sublime parts. There must be very two, before there can be very one. Let it be an alliance of two large, formidable natures, mutually beheld, mutually feared, before yet they recognize the deep identity which beneath these disparities unites them. He only is fit for this society who is magnanimous; who is sure that greatness and goodness are always economy; who is not swift to intermeddle with his fortunes.

Let him not intermeddle with this. Leave to the diamond its ages to grow, nor expect to accelerate the births of the eternal. Friendship demands a religious treatment. We talk of choosing our friends, but friends are self-elected. Reverence is a great part of it. Treat your friend as a spectacle. Of course he has merits that are not yours, and that you cannot honor, if you must needs hold him close to your person. Stand aside; give those merits room; let them mount and expand. Are you the friend of your friend's buttons, or of his thought? To a great heart he will still be a stranger in a thousand particulars, that he may come near in the holiest ground.

Leave it to girls and boys to regard a friend as property, and to suck a short and all-confounding pleasure, instead of the noblest benefit. Let us buy our entrance to this guild by a long probation. Why should we desecrate noble and beautiful souls by intruding on them? Why insist on rash personal relations with your friend? Why go to his house, or know his mother and brother and sisters? Why be visited by him at your own? Are these things material to our covenant? Leave this touching and clawing. Let him be to me a spirit. A message, a thought, a sincerity, a glance from him, I want, but not news, nor pottage. I can get politics, and chat, and neighbourly conveniences from cheaper companions.

Should not the society of my friend be to me poetic, pure, universal, and great as nature itself? Ought I to feel that our tie is profane in comparison with yonder bar of cloud that sleeps on the horizon, or that clump of waving grass that divides the brook? Let us not vilify, but raise it to that standard. That great, defying eye, that scornful beauty of his mien and action, do not pique yourself on reducing, but rather fortify and enhance. Worship his superiorities; wish him not less by a thought, but hoard and tell them all.

Guard him as thy counterpart. Let him be to thee for ever a sort of beautiful enemy, untamable, devoutly revered, and not a trivial conveniency to be soon outgrown and cast aside. The hues of the opal, the light of the diamond, are not to be seen, if the eye is too near. To my friend I write a letter, and from him I receive a letter. That seems to you a little. It suffices me. It is a spiritual gift worthy of him to give, and of me to receive. It profanes nobody. In these warm lines the heart will trust itself, as it will not to the tongue, and pour out the prophecy of a godlier existence than all the annals of heroism have yet made good. Respect so far the holy laws of this fellowship as not to prejudice its perfect flower by your impatience for its opening.

We must be our own before we can be another's. There is at least this satisfaction in crime, according to the Latin proverb; — you can speak to your accomplice on even terms. Crimen quos inquinat, aequat. To those whom we admire and love, at first we cannot. Yet the least defect of self-possession vitiates, in my judgment, the entire relation. There can never be deep peace between two spirits, never mutual respect, until, in their dialogue, each stands for the whole world. What is so great as friendship, let us carry with what grandeur of spirit we can. Let us be silent, — so we may hear the whisper of the gods. Let us not interfere. Who set you to cast about what you should say to the select souls, or how to say any thing to such? No matter how ingenious, no matter how graceful and bland.

There are innumerable degrees of folly and wisdom, and for you to say aught is to be frivolous. Wait, and thy heart shall speak. Wait until the necessary and everlasting overpowers you, until day and night avail themselves of your lips. The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one. You shall not come nearer a man by getting into his house. If unlike, his soul only flees the faster from you, and you shall never catch a true glance of his eye. We see the noble afar off, and they repel us; why should we intrude? Late, — very late, — we perceive that no arrangements, no introductions, no consuetudes or habits of society, would be of any avail to establish us in such relations with them as we desire, — but solely the uprise of nature in us to the same degree it is in them; then shall we meet as water with water; and if we should not meet them then, we shall not want them, for we are already they.

In the last analysis, love is only the reflection of a man's own worthiness from other men. Men have sometimes exchanged names with their friends, as if they would signify that in their friend each loved his own soul. The higher the style we demand of friendship, of course the less easy to establish it with flesh and blood. We walk alone in the world. Friends, such as we desire, are dreams and fables. But a sublime hope cheers ever the faithful heart, that elsewhere, in other regions of the universal power, souls are now acting, enduring, and daring, which can love us, and which we can love.

We may congratulate ourselves that the period of nonage, of follies, of blunders, and of shame, is passed in solitude, and when we are finished men, we shall grasp heroic hands in heroic hands. Only be admonished by what you already see, not to strike leagues of friendship with cheap persons, where no friendship can be. Our impatience betrays us into rash and foolish alliances which no God attends. By persisting in your path, though you forfeit the little you gain the great. You demonstrate yourself, so as to put yourself out of the reach of false relations, and you draw to you the first-born of the world, — those rare pilgrims whereof only one or two wander in nature at once, and before whom the vulgar great show as spectres and shadows merely.

It is foolish to be afraid of making our ties too spiritual, as if so we could lose any genuine love. Whatever correction of our popular views we make from insight, nature will be sure to bear us out in, and though it seem to rob us of some joy, will repay us with a greater. Let us feel, if we will, the absolute insulation of man. We are sure that we have all in us. We go to Europe, or we pursue persons, or we read books, in the instinctive faith that these will call it out and reveal us to ourselves. Beggars all. The persons are such as we; the Europe an old faded garment of dead persons; the books their ghosts. Let us drop this idolatry. Let us give over this mendicancy. Let us even bid our dearest friends farewell, and defy them, saying, 'Who are you? Unhand me: I will be dependent no more.

seest thou not, O brother, that thus we part only to meet again on a higher platform, and only be more each other's, because we are more our own? A friend is Janus-faced: he looks to the past and the future. It is recognized that there is no limit to the age, sex, status, race, religion and creed of friendship, but it is sometimes seen that economic inequality or other discrimination hurts friendships. Thus it can be said that true and genuine friendship is possible between two like-minded and like-minded people who have a feeling of affection for each other.

Many friends in the world are always together in times of prosperity, but there are only true, honest and loyal friends who never let us be alone in our times of bad times, hardship and trouble. Our bad times make us feel good and bad friends. Everyone has an attraction towards money by nature but true friends never make us feel bad when we need money or other help. However, sometimes borrowing money from friends puts friendships at great risk. Friendship can be influenced anytime or by others, so we need to strike a balance in this relationship. Sometimes friendship breaks down due to arrogance and self-respect. True friendship requires proper understanding, satisfaction, which trusts nature.

The true friend never exploits but inspires each other to do the right thing in life, but sometimes the meaning of friendship changes completely due to some fake and dishonest friends who always misjudge one-. Use another. Some people unite as soon as possible but they end their friendship as soon as they fulfil their interests. It is difficult to say anything about friendship, but any careless person is deceived in friendship. Nowadays it is very difficult to find true friends in a crowd of bad and good people, but if there is a true friend, no one is lucky and precious in the world. My Family Essay 2. Essay on My father 3. My Mother Essay 4. Essay on Myself. True friends are the best assets of our lives because they share our sorrows, overcome our pain and make us feel happy.

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