Monday, March 28, 2022

Essay on environment

Essay on environment

New Delhi, the essay on environment of India, made global headlines recently when it turned up in the top 10 most-polluted places on earth. This part must contain maximum detail in this part of the Essay. Take the first step today. An unchecked urbanization will have a disastrous effect on the environment resulting in the demise of many living species. The melting icebergs in Antarctica have resulted in the rising sea levels. Modernization and development has caused sharp increase in environmental degradation, essay on environment. We can understand it with an example below.

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Nowadays the environmental protection becames one of the main problems. Due to the development of technical knowlidgeessay on environment, we are using more and more natural and sinthetical materials. Also we can find one fridge in a flat, but the result of these can be the ozone layer depletion and teh increas of the average temperature int he whole world. Our loving for the comfortable life causes pollution and destroyes our health. Some of these are full of vaste. Connected with the development of production we forget the danger of running out of the sources. However in technical way we could filter these dangerous poison gases.

In the agriculture we use too much certificial fertilizers that we eat with our nurrition and animals do these too. Animal food include numerous poisons that get nito our body. We recognise these bad effects only some years later. Not only the continents but the seas and oceans hide some risks for the environment in themselves. More and more tankers transport oil and natural gas from one continent to the other one and meanwhile it can sprind a leak to spring a leak — léket kap a hajó and their content covers the sourface of the water. We could list such examples for a long time, but the responsibility of people would be the most important. The paper "Environment" was written by a real student and voluntarily submitted to this database. You can use this work as a sample in order to gain inspiration or start the research for your own writing.

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Trees purify the air and absorb pollutants which degrade the quality of air. Air pollution is the root cause of other environmental issues. Nowadays most of the diseases are airborne. People are suffering from respiratory ailments and cardiac disorders are caused by contaminants of air. Our environment is suffering from many disorders which are a big threat to the life on earth. Water and soil are also components of our environment. We need to use water wisely and carefully. Wastage of water is too deadly a sin. Misuse of water affects the natural water cycle and cause several issues which tend to affect the life of all living organisms. Everything that is visible to our eyes is part of our environment and is equally important.

Wastage of one component directly or indirectly affects the other components which ultimately degrade the destroy whole environment. All flora and fauna are the beauty of our environment. We need to save these to help sustain the natural charm of environment. Behind progress and development men exploited all natural resources and adulterated the basic components of environment. We have to reduce pollution and reduce consumption and wastage of natural components and recycle and reuse all basic components which are almost lost. To restore the lost beauty of environment we need to work actively. Pollution, global warming and greenhouse gases are a threat to our environment.

These issue need immediate attention. Moreover, handling and fighting with these issues of environment will not only save environment but save life and planet earth. The environment is the basic source of survival for all living organisms on the earth. The concept of life on earth is based on environment and its components. One can not imagine life and existence of all living forms without environment. At present the whole world is facing many environmental issues which leave an indelible mark on the lives of humans and animals. It is believed that all environmental issues are byproduct of over population.

The massive population growth has affected the fabric of environment. The industrial revolution and progress sought to help feed the increasing population has indirectly affected environment. Hence one can believe that deforestation and climate change, the most hanging issues of environment, are caused by the growth in population. The increasing pollution of world is a big threat to environment. The major environmental issues like pollution, global warming and greenhouse gases are caused by untamed activities of humans. All issues are men made.

The wanton activities of human are degrading the quality of environment at a stretch. Our life is constituted on the components of environment. Unfortunately all natural components of environment like air, water and soil are being misused and polluted carelessly. The mass destruction of environment took place with the advent of industries and factories. Since last ten decades our environment is constantly losing the charm. Tons of smoke is produced daily which pollute the air. The vehicle and burning of fossil fuels has polluted air to an unimaginable extent. The waste of industries and factories is drained in water bodies which pollute water.

These are the very factors responsible for the increasing greenhouse gases which are very dangerous for all living organisms. In addition to it, the deforestation is uncontrollable. People are clearing away forests to establish industries, to spread roads and to seek progress. Behind the progress and development of human lies the blood of environment. All natural calamities like flood, famine, drought and earthquakes are caused by climate change. It is high time to take measures to fight against all environmental issues. We can promote life on earth by saving environment. We need to work individually to save environment. In order to restore the natural balance of environment we have to work collectively to eradicate all environmental issues.

Environment is defined as the natural world or an ecosystem which provide food and shelter, air, water and all the big and small needs of life on earth. All living things need healthy environment to live a healthy life. Only the ecological balance is the sign of life on earth. It is environment which regulate and maintain all natural cycles and promotes life cycle on earth. Since the time immemorial the growth and evolution of all living forms have taken place with the help of environment. We humans in the search of progress have forgotten its value and importance. We are constantly degrading and destroying it. Human activities are the root cause of environmental imbalance. The pollution has lowered the quality of all natural components of environment. The depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect, climate change and global warming are the very issues with which environment is suffering from.

In last five decades human have polluted air, water and soil to a large extent. If human activities continue to exist like this, then that day is not far away when there will be no more. Even the very existence of all living forms will be wiped away. Besides, what environment has done for us in return we have only degraded it. It is true that we can not repay environment but we can take some steps to save it. It is our duty to save trees because trees provide us oxygen and purify the air present in environment and help regulate the balance of earth. In the coming time, the world is going to experience conditions which are going to be worse. As a result, the forthcoming generations might not get access to many resources.

Forest fire in Australia and Amazon the aftermath of human ignorance towards the environment. Life is only possible if the balance between natural resources is maintained by all of us. It is high time that humans should come together and work for the betterment of our surroundings. By adapting, eco-friendly or sustainable methods for development, we can be cautious about saving our surroundings along with making advancements. Hope the blog has given you an idea on how to write an essay on Environment. If you are planning to study abroad and want help in writing your essays, then let Leverage Edu be your helping hand. Our experts will assist you in writing an excellent SOP for your study abroad application.

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Clean environment is very much necessary for a healthy and prosperous society. The vegetation, aquatic life, all living species including humans are deeply affected by the condition of the environment they live in. Hence it is evident beyond doubt that a clean environment is very much necessary for a healthy eco system. A clean environment is very important for a health and prosperity of a society and a Nation as whole. It is one of the basic requirements for the presence of life on Earth. Here are some points describing why clean environment is necessary for us:. Damage to the environment by Human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, urbanization etc greatly adds to the environmental pollution. A lot is being said and heard these days about the need for a clean environment and the steps that must be taken for the reduction of environmental pollution and to give way to a clean and healthy eco-system.

Some of the prime factors leading to a damaged environment are narrated below-. Gases such as CO2 Carbon di-oxide , CO Carbon mono oxide , NH3 Ammonia do a considerable amount of damage to the environment. Human activities like burning of fossil fuel, cement production etc results in the emission of CO2 gas. On the other hand the major source of NH3 emission is the agriculture sector, where ammonia based fertilizers are used. NH3 plays a significant role in the production of Atmospheric Particulate Matter APM , depleting the quality index of breathable air.

One of the major effects of deforestation is the increase in the level of the environmental CO2. Cutting down forest add more to the global warming than the factors like cars and trucks combined. Deforestation results in global climate changes and a depletion in bio diversity. Increase in industrial activity particularly mining industry adds to the environmental pollution. Mining industry results in the emission if RPM Respirable Particulate matter. Into the atmosphere RPM are the particulate matter present in the environment that can travel to our lungs as we breathe, affecting our respiratory system, also results in aggravation of diseases like asthma etc and decreasing the efficiency of lungs. Transportation results in burning of petroleum fuel worldwide, resulting in the emission of harmful gases such as Carbon dioxide CO2 , Methane CH4 and Nitrous Oxide N2O.

Researches have shown that on road vehicles contribute to one third of the air pollution that produces smog and results in the emission of greenhouse gases. Urbanization is inevitable as man explores new horizons to reside in cities leaving the primitive lifestyle the villages have to offer. The environment in which urban people live depends hugely on their habits and lifestyle. Urbanization leads to deforestation and reduction in natural resources most prominently water. An unchecked urbanization will have a disastrous effect on the environment resulting in the demise of many living species. Ozone layer is responsible for the protection of earth species from strong ultra violet radiations from Sun, which could result in deadly disorders like skin cancer, cataract and a reduction in the immune system.

Various human activities such as use of unchecked Air Conditioners, pesticides etc results in the emission of ODS Ozone Depleting Substances also known as secondary pollutants, which results in the holes into the ozone layer exposing living beings to harmful UV rays from the sun. The expanse in population results in the urbanization and consequently deforestation. It also results in the depletion of the natural resources such as water and farm produces, having an adverse effect on the environment. Due to the vast population same resources should cater to the more number of people resulting to a strain on natural resources.

Our insatiable desire to increase our wealth and make our life more comfortable in our day to day activity has lead to unnecessary and unplanned development of cities around us. Unplanned development leads to poor sanitary habits, air pollution because necessary steps for its prevention are not taken. Resulting in poor health of the society. People most often litter waste in their surroundings which with the passage of time accumulates and transforms into garbage, resulting in environmental pollution. Littering is often the main cause for that foul smell you encounter while passing through a particular location.

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