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Human right essay

Human right essay

According to the international law, states assume obligations to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. Human rights are those rights that every person on this earth is entitled to merely on account of being a human being. Human Rights Essay. Civil Liberties Definition Civil liberties are the freedoms that citizens have human right essay order to exercise rights that have been given, written, human right essay, and documented in the Constitution. But the whole problem with Universal human rights is that they are not easily enforceable all around the globe. Though protected by law, human right essay, many of these rights are violated by people and even by the state. The only thing that Britishers made is to expose their power and unity to the world.

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What are Human Rights?. Human Rights are referred to as the rights we have to exist in society. In other words, human rights are the human right essay to respect the people and their feelings to live combined. These are also meant as the right of the people to live with freedom and combine the people for the unity of a country, human right essay. Human Rights have arisen because some people treat irrespectively and suppress the feelings of the people, human right essay. Similarly, as the previous points, the below was described the human rights with the essay on Human Rights.

The below essays were included information about human rights and social justice in India. Human Rights are nothing but the right of the people to human right essay with freedom in society. Human rights are important for people in the present modern world. It had become a tradition in minds of people in India due to the following of people from the past. In the past Ancient India, the lower wage and lower caste people were treated badly and suppressed their freedom, feelings. The lower caste people like SC, ST people were treated lowly because of their work, behavior, education, and based on various things.

In the past days of the world, human right essay, the Britishers ruled various parts of the world they develop fear in the minds of the people. Britishers played with the feelings of the people and with fear in people they start discriminating against people in ruling areas. The only thing that Britishers made is to expose their power and unity to the world. In this way, the past had discrimination in the people and they did not have human rights in those days human right essay their freedom. After the Independence of Indiahuman rights are framed for the equality of people and their freedom in society. The laws are framed for every type of discrimination and punishment for the people who had done the discrimination.

These are the laws for the national level human rights and also applicable for the people from other countries, human right essay. International human rights are also framed for the people at any misleads that happened in the country. Human right essay was an International court bench for human rights for people all over the world. International Human Human right essay are needed because as the people of the world move from one country to another in need of work and basic needs. However, human rights are important for people in every activity of life and mainly for the presence of people in society.

Human Rights are the set of rules framed for the need of people at various times according to the intolerance of people all over the world. There are various types of intolerance of people in individuals or groups. Human Rights are very useful in the modern days of the world to fight against the people who discriminate against them. These are useful for people from the twentieth century to today. These are framed at the N ational level and International level accordingly to the scenarios that happen for the people. Human Rights are framed in the olden days but their use and importance have been well useful during the present days. The need for Human rights is the need for freedom of the people in society and their rights to live with people. Human rights are framed by considering the illegal activities that happened in the past and how people were troubled with those activities.

The need for human rights is to human right essay the negative thinking in the people towards other people. In the Ancient days of India, the people are divided into 4 categories but only in the last category people were faced with trouble from the other. As the people from the lower caste work human right essay sanitation, fishing, butchers, cobblers, potters, etc, human right essay. These people work hard rather than upper caste people and still, human right essay, they were never received the importance of respect for their work. There will be huge intolerance towards these people like these people should not talk against, walk without chappals, should not educate, and many more. In India, the Human Rights of the people are framed after the independence of the country.

These human rights are included in some parts of the constitution. Human Rights are bought as Human Rights laws for every way of discrimination to keep and end, human right essay. The violation of Human Rights laws leads to heavy punishments for the people in individuals and groups also. Human Rights are divided into three types namely C ivil-political, socio-economic, human right essay, Collective- developmental, human right essay. On the other hand not only in India but there are also various parts of the world people are discriminated against by people in their country or from other countries like Britishers. In the past mostly Britishers, human right essay, Germans had domination on people where ever they move.

The main power behind the power is equality in the people. They were divided into levels at work but not the life and freedom of their people. However, human rights are framed at the N ational and International levels for the freedom of people in any part of the world, human right essay. National Human rights are applied to their people within the country and international human rights are helpful for countries to solve the issues that happened to their people by other country people. Human right essay are Human rights laws, Human Rights Commission, Human Rights acts, Human Rights offices that are ready to help and solve the issues.

In India, human right essay, National Human Rights day is celebrated on 10th December every year. There will be a theme for Human Rights day every year that depends on the issues happening to the people. The Governments of countries should also educate the people human right essay the Human Rights campaigns, Human Rights posters in public places, Human Rights competitions to reach people. These will help the people to move freely in society and people will get fear discrimination against other people. Human right essay these laws make the people that every one of the worlds is equal and right to have the others. Every person should follow human rights and preach to the people who are not moving against Human Rights. Conclusion: We hope that the above essays on Human rights were helped you to gain some stuff about it.

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Previous post Why Are Human Rights Important Essay. Next post Violation of Human Rights Essay. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Another aspect of human rights on the international stage is involvement of the military. An example of the mentioned above is in East Timor. Militia members conducted a campaign of killing, torture, and destruction throughout the country. The militia began its terrible destruction after the citizens of East Timor voted for independence against Indonesia. The government of East Timor claimed there was police and government attempting to take control of the militias but could not.

This was not the case. It was proven that there was actual police and government involvement in the militias. There have been many positive strides toward prosecution of international human rights crimes involving international organizations and individual. One example is the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. This court has convicted five individuals, including Prime Minister Jean Kambanda. Another note worthy indictment was that of President Slobodan Milosevic by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslav. The most important indictment was the recent arrest of former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet.

Although the indictments of Milosevic and Pinochet did not lead to convictions, these two major arrests have paved the way for further persecutions and the International Criminal Court. Hopefully within the next few years a permanent international court will be established to handle human rights violations. When looking at human rights from afar, it seems that the only issue at hand is the well being and safety of people. A behind the scene player is the corporate world. Corporations and nongovernmental organizations play an important role in human rights development. Huge corporations have a direct impact on the human rights of individual states.

Corporations can go anywhere in the world and start business. This means that they can find the cheapest land, and more important to them the cheapest help. This is where major human rights violations come into play. It is very difficult to police multinational corporations, most of the corporations do an adequate job of policing themselves. Such as Nike, this large corporation created a its own code of conduct which keeps executives as well as employees in good standings with human rights. There are many other companies that have submitted to a monitoring system such as the Fair Labor Association FLA. These monitoring systems watch over the corporations to make sure there are no violations occurring at the top or the bottom. For those companies who chose not to police themselves a recent precedent has been set under United States Law in the case John Doe vs.

Unocal Corporation. John Doe I et al. Unocal Corporation, et al. This is the case of a Burmese citizen who brought case against the United States Corporation Unocal for a human rights violation that took place under the operation of the company in Burma. The court ruled in a pretrial motion to dismiss, there is jurisdiction under the United States Alien Tort Claims Act that may allow other foreign nationals to sue for reparations from United States corporations operating in foreign countries. If corporations are held responsible then they will be less likely to operate in countries will poor human rights policy. Human rights problems, whether they are between people, states, or corporations, are not going to be solved in one day. Every person has the right to fair trial by an impartial court.

This includes the right to be heard within a reasonable time, right to public hearing and right to counsel. Every person has the freedom of thought and conscience. Slavery and slave trade is prohibited. However, these are still practised illegally in some parts of the world. Other universal human rights include right to liberty and personal security, freedom of speech, right to remedy by competent tribunal, freedom from discrimination, right to nationality and freedom to change it, right to marriage and family, freedom of movement, right to own property, right to education, right of peaceful assembly and association, freedom from interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence, right to participate in government and in free elections, right of opinion and information, right to adequate living standard, right to social security and right to social order that articulates this document.

Though protected by law, many of these rights are violated by people and even by the state. However, many organizations have been formed to monitor the violation of human rights. These organizations take steps to protect these rights. Human rights are those rights that every person on this earth is entitled to merely on account of being a human being. These rights are universal and are protected by law. The idea of human rights and liberty has existed since centuries. However, it has evolved over the period of time. Here is a detailed look at the concept of human rights. Human rights include basic rights that are given to every human being regardless of his caste, creed, religion, gender or nationality. Here is a look at the universal human rights:. Though human rights are protected by various laws, these are still violated by people, groups and even by the state at times.

For instance, freedom from torture is often violated by the state during interrogations. Similarly, freedom from slavery is said to be a basic human right. However, slavery and slave trade is still carried out illegally. Many institutions have been formed to monitor human right abuses. Governments and certain non-government organizations also keep a check on these. Every individual deserves to enjoy the basic human rights. At times, some of these rights are denied or abused by the state. Government is taking measures to monitor these abuses with help from certain non-government organizations.

These are norms that depict certain standards of human behaviour and are protected by law. Human rights have been divided into two broad categories. These are the civil and political rights, and the social rights that also include the economic and cultural rights. Here is a detailed look at the basic human rights given to every individual:. Every human being on earth has the right to live. Each individual has the right of not being killed by anyone and this right is protected by the law. However, this right is subject to issues such as death penalty, self defence, abortion, euthanasia and war.

Every human being has the right to speak freely and voice his opinions in public. However, this right comes with certain limitations such as obscenity, slur and crime provocation. Every state gives its citizens the right to think freely and form conscientious beliefs. An individual also has the right to follow any religion of his choice and change it as per his free will at any point in time. Under this right every individual has the right to fair trial by impartial court, right to be heard within reasonable time, right to counsel, right to public hearing and right to interpretation. As per the international law, every individual has the right to freedom from torture.

This has been prohibited since the mid 20 th century. This means that every individual has the right to travel, live, work or study in any part of the state he resides in. As per this right, slavery and slave trades are prohibited in every form. However, unfortunately these ill practices still go on illegally.

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