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Kind of essay writing

Kind of essay writing

We must be polite, friendly and helpful. Jing-Mei was happy she had made it to the top the way her mother wanted. A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. Article Review, kind of essay writing. Why Suffer?

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Kindness is a virtue that is rarely found these days. People these days are so busy gratifying their own needs and desires that they overlook that of the others. Being kind to others is out of question for most. Kindness is the quality of being polite and considerate towards others. It is a quality that not everyone possesses. Very few people in this world are blessed with this quality and their presence is a blessing for those around them. Here are essays on Kindness of varying lengths to help you with it in your exam. Kind of essay writing can select any Kindness essay given below as per your need:.

Kindness simply means being good to people around us. It can be done by being polite to them, kind of essay writing, offering them emotional support, helping them financially, boosting their morale or by simply being supportive to them. Kind words and kind deeds done by us are not only a boon for the recipient but are also a kind of essay writing to us. When we help others with kind of essay writing tasks, are polite to them and do other such acts of kindness it gives us a sense of accomplishment and joy. Kindness has been described differently in different religious books and literature in the past. However, they all echo the same thought. All of them advocate that human beings must show kindness to other human beings as well as other creatures.

We must be polite, friendly and helpful. While we should exhibit kindness we must not do it with the aim of getting anything in return. Kindness is a selfless act. If God has been kind enough to give us the things we need we must be kind to others and render help in whatever way we can. A person with a pleasant disposition and a concern for others is said to be kind. Such people are empathetic towards others. Showing kindness towards others does not necessarily mean doing something big for them. It can be something as small as being polite and offering emotional support to someone. It can be something as tiny as passing a smile to the old lady who sits all alone in her balcony watching people go by or giving a small bite of your bread to the sparrow that tweets on your terrace every day.

Kind of essay writing just need to have a good heart, kind of essay writing. Each one of us has something to give to the world, kind of essay writing. We just need to recognize what it is. Besides, we need to understand the need to be kind to people around us. We need to understand that the world would become a much better place if people are kind to each other. By being kind to the kind of essay writing people we do not only help them and light kind of essay writing smile on their face but also kind of essay writing good at a deeper level. It gives a sense of satisfaction. We can rarely find kind people around. In fact, if we look at it, are we kind ourselves? We may feel the pain of people around us but how many times have kind of essay writing lend a helping hand towards them?

If we expect others to be kind towards us, we must first inculcate this habit in ourselves. Being kind and compassionate towards others brings immense joy. The joy of giving is much greater than that of receiving. Kindness gets us closer to God and renders inner peace. While we must indulge in acts of kindness selflessly without expecting anything in return, however it is said kind of essay writing no act of kindness, even the smallest one, goes unnoticed. This is because God is watching us at all times. And he is known for being fair in his ways. Being kind in general by being polite with others keeps us in a good mood as compared to the times when we get into arguments, or judge others or raise our voice.

Similarly, kind of essay writing, offering even a small help to someone makes us feel good about ourselves. Helping others and being kind to them gives us an immediate sense of satisfaction. And whatever we give comes back to us in abundance. This is also known as the law of Karma. However, if we show kindness to others hoping that we will get something in return then it is not considered an act of kindness. It is rather an act of selfishness. Not just with human beings, we must also be kind towards animals. Many people throw stones at the street dogs and cows to scare them away.

It is alright if done as an act of self dense however many people do it just for fun. We must rather be kind towards them. Treating the animals appropriately and feeding them are two of the ways to show kindness towards them. We waste a lot of food ever now. We throw our leftover food in the dustbin. Instead of throwing it away like that, we must take out some time to feed cats, dogs and cows roaming around near our house with kind of essay writing. We can also show kindness towards them by adopting them. Likewise, we can feed the birds by hanging bird feeders in our lawn or balcony. These small and random acts of kindness will not only do good to these birds and animals but will also make you feel better about yourself.

People who indulge in charity work and help other people with various big and small tasks are happier than those who only work for themselves. In many cultures kindness is considered to be an essential virtue. It is said to be among the seven essential virtues that the moral intelligence consists of. The other virtues include conscience, respect, tolerance, kind of essay writing, self-control, fairness and empathy. Being kind means being polite and friendly and helping those around us. Though essential, kind of essay writing, kindness is not a trait that is found commonly in people these days. All they can think about is themselves. The growing competition at various stages in our life is one of the kind of essay writing reasons why people are turning out to be this way.

Everyone around is busy making themselves better and showing the world as to how better their life is compared to that of others, kind of essay writing. They do not hesitate hurting those in their way to achieve what they want. While there is nothing wrong with improvising oneself but one must understand that there is much more to life and it is not always just about them. People have become ungrateful and do not understand that God has been kind enough to them and they must in turn be kind towards others. Now, while most people do not possess the trait of kindness, it can be embedded in them with little effort. This can be done by teaching its importance from the very beginning. Importance of kindness must be taught in school.

Workshops must be conducted and lectures must be given to tell children as to why being kind to people is necessary. This subject must form an essential part of the curriculum in schools. It is essential to emphasize its importance repeatedly from the very beginning for people to understand and inculcate it. What is the most common trait that people look for in a relationship? It is nothing else but kindness. Nobody likes to befriend people who are rude, arrogant, selfish and haughty. Everyone likes those who are polite, soft-hearted, kind and generous. We must be kind to those around but as it is said charity begins at home so we must start with our near and dear ones.

Many people are kind and polite to their neighbours, friends and colleagues but are rude with their immediate family members such as their wife, parents, children and siblings. They scold them, do not pay much attention towards them and often indulge in arguments with them. Such people cannot be called kind no matter how nice they are with people outside or the amount of charity they do. If they are not kind at home, they are merely donning a facade to maintain a good image outside. In reality, they are frustrated inside and all their frustration comes out at home. If a person is really kind at heart, kind of essay writing, he will be equally kind at home as well as outside.

Being kind to people without expecting anything in return renders inner peace and happiness, kind of essay writing. It makes life sweeter. Practicing kindness is not difficult. Showering kindness on those around us should be the ultimate goal of each one of us. Try it and see how it can be one of the most joyful experiences in life. A person who is kind is said to bear a good moral character. He is loved and talked highly about by people around. However, this should not be the reason to indulge in acts of kindness. Kindness is something that must be done selflessly. If we expect people to appreciate us or return the favour then it is not kindness, it is selfishness.

It clearly indicates that we are doing it with a selfish motif.

sample essay for graduate school

Our service provides professionals that are ready to help you with your essay. All your requirements will be taken into account so you can save your time and nerves for something more interesting. There are 10 basic types of essay that are widespread in the world of academic writing. They are:. These are just patterns that you have to fill with certain information and viewpoints. You are to understand the subject as well as be direct in expressing your ideas. This type of essay is designed for describing details of the subject. It can be written about any object and its features. You are to describe the way it looks, smells or works. It can be compared with a detailed overview of the things you write about. In this type of essay, every detail counts. The ultimate goal of the definition essay is to focus on the definition of the subject.

It may focus on different things or various origins. Here you are to delve into the subject to get the understanding of what it is, how people perceive it, what it associated with. This type of essay is aimed to dwell upon on differences and similarities between two objects, events, things, etc. The reader should receive a clear understanding of what certain things have in common and what is different about them. The writer has to be well informed about both subjects in order to provide the reader with a clear comparison of the two subjects.

This type of essay is destined to focus on the sequence of an event and the result of it. It reminds some a study where you are to show what cause has led to a particular result. In case there are more causes than results or fewer causes than results the writer has to explore them separately. To write a good essay of that type it is necessary to study the works on the similar topics to have a better understanding of how such research is done. This type of essay is aimed at telling a story about a certain event in a person's life. It may be a funny festival or a watching a good movie in the cinema, everyday activity or visiting another country.

In such essay, you are free to express your personal attitude towards things that affected you, places that you liked or people you were with. It is usually written in the 1st person with a frequent usage of "I. When it comes to a process essay , one may find certain similarities with a cause and effect essay. This type of paper required the same level of understanding of the subject and how it works. It sometimes resembles a manual where the instructions to do something are given. To write this essay better, you are to perform the described process if possible as it is easier to tell about something you know well and good at.

When it comes to this type of essay, it should be noted that it is quite useful for any student on any level of education. The ultimate goal of this essay is to persuade the reader to take the author's viewpoint. It is not an easy thing to do as this paper is aimed at manipulating the other people's thoughts to change their attitude towards something. For this writing, you are to use firm language, proved facts and accurate and vivid illustrations as an evidence of your argument should be flawless. Stripped of these items your argumentative essay won't be persuasive enough and your influence on the reader will be minimal. Skilled writers are to be completely sure about every word they write and every fact they give.

There is no room for mistakes and uncertainty. What makes this type of essay more difficult is that you have to be ready to fight against opposing ideas, and your paper should contain the antidote to the critics of your viewpoint. This type of essay focuses on weak and strong features of something. It is aimed at giving a characteristic of the subject to make reader aware of what you consider to be good or bad about it. These papers usually dwell upon how something is done or written. Did the author manage to do it correctly or not? Was his work persuasive? Was he successful in delivering his message to the audience? These are the questions you will have to answer in your essay. The difficulty of this essay lies in the fact that you have to be well informed and have a deep understanding of the essence of the subject you criticize.

When it comes to an expository essay , keep in mind that it is aimed at an estimation of the subject from your point of view. Being kind and compassionate towards others brings immense joy. The joy of giving is much greater than that of receiving. Kindness gets us closer to God and renders inner peace. While we must indulge in acts of kindness selflessly without expecting anything in return, however it is said that no act of kindness, even the smallest one, goes unnoticed. This is because God is watching us at all times. And he is known for being fair in his ways. Being kind in general by being polite with others keeps us in a good mood as compared to the times when we get into arguments, or judge others or raise our voice.

Similarly, offering even a small help to someone makes us feel good about ourselves. Helping others and being kind to them gives us an immediate sense of satisfaction. And whatever we give comes back to us in abundance. This is also known as the law of Karma. However, if we show kindness to others hoping that we will get something in return then it is not considered an act of kindness. It is rather an act of selfishness. Not just with human beings, we must also be kind towards animals. Many people throw stones at the street dogs and cows to scare them away. It is alright if done as an act of self dense however many people do it just for fun.

We must rather be kind towards them. Treating the animals appropriately and feeding them are two of the ways to show kindness towards them. We waste a lot of food ever now. We throw our leftover food in the dustbin. Instead of throwing it away like that, we must take out some time to feed cats, dogs and cows roaming around near our house with it. We can also show kindness towards them by adopting them. Likewise, we can feed the birds by hanging bird feeders in our lawn or balcony. These small and random acts of kindness will not only do good to these birds and animals but will also make you feel better about yourself. People who indulge in charity work and help other people with various big and small tasks are happier than those who only work for themselves.

In many cultures kindness is considered to be an essential virtue. It is said to be among the seven essential virtues that the moral intelligence consists of. The other virtues include conscience, respect, tolerance, self-control, fairness and empathy. Being kind means being polite and friendly and helping those around us. Though essential, kindness is not a trait that is found commonly in people these days. All they can think about is themselves. The growing competition at various stages in our life is one of the main reasons why people are turning out to be this way.

Everyone around is busy making themselves better and showing the world as to how better their life is compared to that of others. They do not hesitate hurting those in their way to achieve what they want. While there is nothing wrong with improvising oneself but one must understand that there is much more to life and it is not always just about them. People have become ungrateful and do not understand that God has been kind enough to them and they must in turn be kind towards others. Now, while most people do not possess the trait of kindness, it can be embedded in them with little effort. This can be done by teaching its importance from the very beginning. Importance of kindness must be taught in school. Workshops must be conducted and lectures must be given to tell children as to why being kind to people is necessary.

This subject must form an essential part of the curriculum in schools. It is essential to emphasize its importance repeatedly from the very beginning for people to understand and inculcate it. What is the most common trait that people look for in a relationship? This drives us to provide you with custom or syndicated research reports. sales marketupdates. Computer Aided Detection System Market Survey Share and Size , CAGR, Global Industry Growth, Manufacturers Data, , Latest Updates, Business Prospects, Demand, Progression Status, Regional Outlook - COVID Impact Analysis By Market Updates.

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